
31 Days of Prayer | 2011

In my blog wanderings I keep bumping into The Nester.  She's creative, knowledgeable, and inspiring.  And she's come up with this cool "31 days" concept of blogging each day on a specific topic.  Year #1 she did it on her own.  Year #2 she invited seven friends to join her.  Now it's Year #3 and she's opened the floodgates to anyone who is interested.  Check out all the series here..

And so I'm jumping in the 31 Day stream with 31 Days of Prayer.  Why?  (I've asked myself that several times in the past couple weeks.)  Because God won't let me let go of the idea.  It nudges me day and night.  And I think it will be good  to grow closer to God and revitalize my lackadaisical prayer habit.  

I'm curious to seeing where God takes me on this journey.  I'm curious to see if I still adore The Nester after a month of daily posts (or if I admit I am not worthy of her online cleverness).  I'm curious to hear what you think of all this.  (The "comments" button is still there... just waiting for you!)

And without further ado... Here are the prayers...