
Thursday, October 2, 2014

2 | Know that I Am God

We live in a culture that adores self-sufficiency.  Rugged individuals we are, or we aim to be.  Like toddlers who have recently mastered a new skill, we are adamant: "I do it!"  Call it perfectionism or ambition or control freakishness, most of us want to be in charge.

But it is exhausting.  Crazy making.  Soul depleting.

And while God thinks each one of us is wonderful and precious — made in his image, perfect in our imperfections — he didn't design us to be in charge.  Yes, we get free will.  No, we don't have to go it alone.

God is right here with us.  As we work to be his hands and feet, his words and heart on this earth, God works in us and through us.  

So let's allow some of the control roll off our backs.  Today as we are still, as we turn away from our daily distractions, let us turn towards our living Lord.  Let's make some space for God to have a living, breathing, growing place inside of us.

Be still, and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10

Liz Curtis Higgs eloquently explains the importance of this focus on God as she layers multiple translations of this verse:
Only when we stop striving and “take a long, loving look” (MSG) can we “recognize” (AMP) the truth about God. About his mighty power and his matchless strength. About his sovereignty, now and forever. 
Only when we seek the mind of Christ can we “know” (GW).
Only when we remain still can we “see” (VOICE).
Only when we admit we don’t understand can we “learn” (CEV).
We need moments of stillness to stretch our faith and truly know what God has in store for us and wants to do through us.
Today we take a moment of stillness to reflect on this verse and write it on our hearts.
Be still and know that I am God.
God, the giver of life, the Lord of all, wants to guide you to the best life possible.
Be still and know that I am.
Christ says, "I am.  I am all that you need.  The bread that will nourish you, the water that will satisfy your thirst, the shepherd that will protect you, the way that will guide you, the light that will illuminate your path."
 Be still and know that I...
God promises, "I love you unconditionally.  I forgive you and forget your sins.  I am your strength, carrying you through dark valleys and up to the highest mountains.  I give you grace, no matter what you do or don't do.  I grant you peace of heart, mind, and soul.  I offer my joy that is everlasting." 
 Be still and know.
Know this in your heart.  Know this in your mind.  Let this understanding sink deep in your bones and call it forth every day.
 Be still.
Trust in God's truth and lean into it with all your understanding. You don't have to do anything.  Just be present with your God.  Let him take the lead.  Fill up with his gifts, so you can be who he made you to be.  Then you can exude God's presence in the world through the gift of your presence. 

Will you pray with me?
Precious Lord,  
Thank you for walking with us and graciously sharing, even carrying the load we attempt to shoulder.  Help us to let go of the "shoulds" and "oughts."  Help us to rest in your promises and your word.  Most of all, help us to remember that we are enough, just as we are.  In our present state you can work perfectly through our imperfection.  Remind us to trust in that truth, and guide us to be your presence in our world. 

Looking for more inspiration for stillness and settling into God's strength?
Megan Watson Design via flickr
Grace Came Down
Confident in Grace

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