
Saturday, October 11, 2014

11 | Be Rescued

Nobody wants to have to be rescued. 

We are "can do" creatures — especially us women, as we are pushing back against generations of limitations. 

We want to be strong. Self sufficient. Reliable, not reliant. Accomplished and ambitious, not needy or brought to our knees. 

So why "be rescued"?

We need to be rescued because we are human. Sinners. Broken. If not in this moment, then in sometime to come.  

We can deny it and hide it under a cloak of competence. And certainly sometimes we need to do just that to get us through a dark day or a rough patch. 

But there is an alternative. 

Be still in Jesus. 

Joe Viyh on
Be rescued by his love, his sacrifice, his resurrection. Accept your brokenness so you can be built up in his grace. 

When we release this burden of constant can-do creaturedom, when we make space for God to work within us, we can relax. We can be refueled. We can be rescued. 

Kristin's Paperie on

God wants to do that for us because he loves us. He doesn't expect us to do all the work to save ourselves and everyone around us. Remember Martha?  All that work just makes worry. Remember Mary?  God invites us— expects us — to be still, to surrender our heavy loads. When we surrender to our Redeemer, he can lift us up and build us up to be his best work in us. 

God's power is made perfect on our imperfection. 

God's grace works by his love, by our faith -- not by our works. 

Today, let's take off our Wonder Woman capes, our Batman bravado. Let's be vulnerable and inviting to God's rescue through Jesus' resurrection.


I have burdened myself with expectations that I can do it all, that I need to do it all. 

Please rescue me from this mindset. Help me to remember the kind of relationship you want with me. A relationship built on prayerfully surrendering burdens. A relationship built on releasing my responsibilities so I can relax into your peace. 

In this soft, still moment today, I ask you to take me away from my "To do"s, from my shoulds and woulds and coulds. It is not my work you want, but my trust and my faith. Clear away my can-do clutter so that there is space in my heart, my mind, and my soul for your grace. 

Make space in my heart, my mind, and my soul for YOUR GRACE.

Your Grace. 

I sit at your feet, precious lord. I soak up your deep and abiding love. I wonder at your willingness to lead me through every trouble, every doubt, every effort and ambition with your wisdom and your word. Thank you for your powerful presence. 

And throughout this day, help me to remember that I don't have to be powerful or super human or constantly competent. Help me to remember that my cracks and flaws are there for a reason -- they serve as portals through which you can pour your salvation.  

For your rescue and your grace, I am so grateful. 


A couple more slices of inspiration when you're not sure you want to be rescued, or if you even can be rescued...

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