
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Little Bits that Bless

There is a theme running through conversations with my friends and family and God these days.

Mindfulness.  Meaningful moments.  Instants of Seizing snippets of God's grace and peace.

Because we know we can't have it all, all of the time.
Because we know we need more sanity and soul.  Less chaos and craze.

Do you have the same hunger?  Let's feed it together, bite by manageable bite.  Let's digest God's wonder and word bit by blessed bit.  A community meal, a communion of sorts.

For too long I've neglected this little blog o' mine; I've neglected making my faith transparent and public.  Sadly, the same is true in my personal, unplugged life.  And I think it is because I've forgotten the beauty, the accessibility, the simplicity of seizing a moment rather than something monumental.  I forgot that bigger doesn't mean better.  It just means more work.

So I'm ditching the drive to say something important in a big way.  I'm purging perfectionist tendencies.  Instead I'm going for short and sweet.  Meaningful moments.  Little bits that bless.

Here is today's, thanks be to God.  And Bow and Arrow Art via Etsy.


Lord, you know how my heart wanders.  And my mind is no better.  Help me to breathe deep.  Fill my soul with your peace, so I can settle in and stay with you for a moment or two or nineteen today.  Amen.

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