
Monday, October 3, 2011

4 | Thanksgiving

This is the day the Lord has made.
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


You led me to Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts, and I am so grateful.  Thank you for using her poetic wisdom as a reminder to actively see all the goodness that you put in our lives.  It's been several months since I started listing Gifts from God.  I'm only at #69, but your gifts are infinite.  Thank you, God, for all your nudges and reminders to stay positive, to recognize gifts, to receive your grace.

And thank you, specifically for...

70.   The reverent humor of 7th graders as they transform their teachers into super heroes.

71.   Many, many devoted, diligent, and inspiring teachers in my kids' school and in our community.

72.   Funny, heartfelt emails from our Sunday School director, who effervesces with gratitude and joy.

73.   The sweet, velvety ears of our Husky (who is currently barking his head off at the mail carrier.  Hmm... not so grateful about that).  

74.   Oh, wait.  That's the neighbor's dog.  Thank you for our pooch's respectful silence, for once!

75.   The zen of painting... smooth silky paint oozing through the brush onto waiting wood.  Did I say smoooooth?  Can I say it again?  Smooooooooooooooooooooooooth.

76.   Rustling, crunchy, crispy leaves: a reminder to enjoy the stolen second wind of summer that is today before the weather cools.

77.   Love that carries us through sorrow; for my Mr. who reaches out when he hurts and wears his heart on his sleeve.

78.   Reading in a sunny spot with my boy, sharing the adventures of ninja and new words and imaginary worlds.

79.   Being a fly on a wall in the school hallway, watching my girl go forth with confidence and eagerness for a new day of learning.

80.   A slice of quiet, a corner of writing and reflection in my day, a moment to connect with you, my Rock and Redeemer.

81.   The joy of connecting to sisters and brothers in Christ through this 31 Day linky-party.  Your love oozes through the comments, encouragement, and support that fills me up fill me up.

Thank you, Lord, for filling my life with goodness.  For brightening my corner of the world with love and laughter.  For being present, so wondrously present, in my life.  



  1. In just these 4 days I have laughed, cried, felt challenged and felt comforted. Your writing is a gift. Go for 31!

  2. Loved reading what you are thankful for.

  3. Lovely ladies, I love your comments... even before I finished my draft! What a lovely reminder that I don't need to be a perfectionist! Blessings to you, Liz


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