
Sunday, October 23, 2011

23 | Loving and Living God's Word

The sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.  He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.
Isaiah 50:4


You know I love a good letter.  Handwritten or typed.  Fancy stationery or crumpled loose leaf.  Long and newsy, short and heartfelt, meandering and conversational...  Any which way, the written word is like a prize, like capturing the sun sparkling upon the water and holding it in my hand.  

I love your letters most of all.  Your books of wisdom.  Your poems of praise.  Your gospel of love and promise.  Your guidance and goodness captured in the Bible.  Thank you for this book that I return to again and again, always finding something new, even in the most worn pages and passages.

Guide me with your word.  Nudge me to consult the Bible more often, to meditate and reflect on the wisdom and direction you provide there.  And when I falter during the day, help me to turn to you and hear the words you have written on my heart.  Give me a thirst and a mind for memorizing scripture, so that your word leaps forth when I need your encouragement and understanding.

Thank you for your word, God.  Thank you for the wisdom and insight of the Bible, and for the power and passion of your Living Word, Jesus Christ.  Help me to live your good word and share it with others.


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