
Saturday, October 1, 2011

1 | Responding to His Invitation [ 31 Days of Prayer ]


You patiently wait for me each day, waiting to hear my stories, my worries, my hopes.  You watch my flurry of activity, hoping for a moment of stillness so you can remind me of your deep and abiding love.  Lord, why do I forget you?  Why don't I see your invitation to prayer and meditation in the unlit candle, the empty chair, the unopened Bible?  Why do I see the dust and the dishes and "to do" lists instead?  Forgive me, God.  Please rewire my brain and rewrite my heart.  Make me an enthusiastic and frequent pray-er.

As I talk with you, Lord, keep my spirit in tune with yours.  Help me to pray your Word and seek your will.  Guide me to intercede for others who need your love and healing.  Show me how to be still... to know you are my God... and to listen for your wisdom during our prayer time.  I look forward to more time together with you, in earnest and caring conversation.  I know it will richly bless my days and my life.

Thank you and Amen.


I invite you to pray with me for these 31 days.  I welcome you to use these posts as a starting point for your conversations with God.  May your prayers bring you moments of deep and abiding peace.  May your prayers nourish your faith and renew your spirit.  And may your prayers strengthen you in your daily walk with Christ.  Thanks for stopping by.


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